VisioMove Essential (iOS)  1.27.8
User's Location


Inject the user's location into the map and set it's tracking mode.


(void) - VMEMapView::updateLocation:
 Updates the uses current physical location within the map. More...
(VMELocation *_Nullable) - VMEMapView::createLocationFromLocation:
 Takes a native location object and converts it to a VisioMove Essential object Uses the geo-fences within the map bundle to determine if the location falls within a building and if so, what floor. More...
(VMEPosition *_Nullable) - VMEMapView::createPositionFromLocation:
 Takes a native location object and converts it to a VisioMove Essential object Uses the geo-fences within the map bundle to determine if the location falls within a builing and if so, what floor. More...
(void) - VMEMapView::setLocationTrackingMode:
 Change the value of the location tracking mode. More...
(void) - VMEMapView::setLocationTrackingButtonToggleModes:
 Set the all the location tracking modes handled by the VME location tracker button. More...
(VMELocationTrackingMode- VMEMapView::getLocationTrackingMode
 Get the current location tracking mode. More...
(NSArray< VMELocationTrackingModeObject * > *_Nonnull) - VMEMapView::getLocationTrackingButtonToggleModes
 Get the current location tracking modes handled by the VME location tracker button. More...
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