VisioMove Essential (iOS)  1.27.8
VMEMapView Class Reference



Inherits UIView, and <NSCoding>.

Instance Methods

(instancetype _Nonnull) - initWithFrame:
 Use this constructor to create the VMEMapView programatically. More...
(instancetype _Nullable) - initWithCoder:
(VMEMapDescriptor *_Nullable) - getCachedMapDescriptorWithIdentifier:
 Get cached Map descriptor. More...
(BOOL) - deleteCachedMapWithIdentifier:error:
 Deletes a map from the application that has been cached by the SDK. More...
(void) - loadMap
 Loads the map using the current map configuration. More...
(void) - unloadMap
 Unloads the current map. More...
(void) - setFocusOnMap
 Set focus on map - map state. More...
(void) - updateCamera:
 Repositions the camera according to the instructions defined in the update. More...
(void) - animateCamera:
 Animates the movement of the camera from the current position to the position defined in the update. More...
(void) - animateCamera:duration:callback:
 Animates the movement of the camera from the current position to the position defined in the update. More...
(VMECameraContext *_Nonnull) - getCameraContext
 Gets the current context of the camera. More...
(VMECameraMoveReason- getCameraMoveReason
 Gets the last move reason of the camera. More...
(void) - updateScene:
 Updates the change of scene from the current scene to the scene defined in the update. More...
(void) - animateScene:
 Animates the change of scene from the current scene to the scene defined in the update. More...
(void) - computeRoute:callback:
 Requests that a route be computed. More...
(NSArray< NSString * > *_Nonnull) - getModalities
(NSArray< NSString * > *_Nonnull) - getAttributes
(void) - setExcludedModalities:
 Sets the modalities that will be excluded from the routing network when a route is computed. More...
(void) - setExcludedAttributes:
 Sets the attributes that will be excluded from the routing network when a route is computed. More...
(void) - updateLocation:
 Updates the uses current physical location within the map. More...
(VMELocation *_Nullable) - createLocationFromLocation:
 Takes a native location object and converts it to a VisioMove Essential object Uses the geo-fences within the map bundle to determine if the location falls within a building and if so, what floor. More...
(VMEPosition *_Nullable) - createPositionFromLocation:
 Takes a native location object and converts it to a VisioMove Essential object Uses the geo-fences within the map bundle to determine if the location falls within a builing and if so, what floor. More...
(void) - setLocationTrackingMode:
 Change the value of the location tracking mode. More...
(void) - setLocationTrackingButtonToggleModes:
 Set the all the location tracking modes handled by the VME location tracker button. More...
(VMELocationTrackingMode- getLocationTrackingMode
 Get the current location tracking mode. More...
(NSArray< VMELocationTrackingModeObject * > *_Nonnull) - getLocationTrackingButtonToggleModes
 Get the current location tracking modes handled by the VME location tracker button. More...
(void) - setSelectorViewVisible:
 Control whether the selector view is visible. More...
(BOOL) - getSelectorViewVisible
(void) - setNavigationHeaderViewVisible:
 Control whether the navigation header view is visible. More...
(BOOL) - getNavigationHeaderViewVisible
(BOOL) - setMapFont:
 Overrides the map's default font (currently DejaVuSans.ttf). More...
(void) - setCompassHeadingMarkerVisible:
 Control the visibility of the compass heading marker. More...
(BOOL) - getCompassHeadingMarkerVisible
 Retrieve the visibility of the compass heading marker. More...
(void) - showSearchViewWithTitle:callback:
 Request to show the search view. More...
(void) - showPlaceInfo:
 Displays info related to the place: More...
(void) - updatePlaceData:
 Update the place data content within the map. More...
(BOOL) - setPlaceID:data:
 Updates the place data associated with a place ID. More...
(BOOL) - setPlaceID:color:
 Update the place's color. More...
(BOOL) - resetPlaceIDColor:
 Reset the place's color back to it's initial value. More...
(BOOL) - setPlaceColor:
 Set a group of place colors in one call. More...
(BOOL) - resetPlaceColor:
 Reset a group of places to their original colors in one call. More...
(BOOL) - addPlaceID:imageURL:data:position:size:anchorMode:altitudeMode:displayMode:orientation:visibilityRamp:
 Adds a dynamic place to the map. More...
(BOOL) - addPlaceID:imageURL:data:position:
 Adds a dynamic place to the map. More...
(BOOL) - setPlaceID:position:animated:
 Update the place's position. More...
(BOOL) - setPlaceID:size:animated:
 Update the place's size. More...
(BOOL) - removePlaceID:
 Remove the place from the map. More...
(NSArray< NSString * > *_Nonnull) - queryAllPlaceIDs
 Queries all place IDs within the map. More...
(void) - queryPlacesWithFilter:callback:
 Queries the map for places matching the filter. More...
(VMEPlace *_Nullable) - getPlace:
 Returns a requested place. More...
(NSArray< NSString * > *_Nonnull) - queryAllCategoryIDs
 Queries all category IDs within the map. More...
(VMECategory *_Nullable) - getCategory:
 Returns a requested category. More...
(VMEPosition *_Nullable) - getPlacePosition:
 Returns a place's center position. More...
(NSArray< VMEPosition * > *_Nonnull) - getPlaceBoundingPositions:
 Returns The place's bounding box. More...
(void) - fetchCustomDataWithSuccessBlock:andErrorBlock:
 Fetch the custom data from server. More...
(NSDictionary *_Nonnull) - getCustomData
 Returns all places custom data. More...
(BOOL) - addOverlayViewID:view:position:
 Adds a native overlay view above the map that's associated with a position. More...
(BOOL) - addOverlayViewID:view:position:anchorMode:
 Adds a native overlay view above the map that's associated with a position. More...
(BOOL) - addOverlayViewID:view:placeID:
 Adds a native overlay view above the map that's associated with a place. More...
(BOOL) - addOverlayViewID:view:placeID:anchorMode:
 Adds a native overlay view above the map that's associated with a place. More...
(BOOL) - setOverlayViewID:position:
 Sets the position of the overlay view. More...
(BOOL) - setOverlayViewID:placeID:
 Sets the place of the overlay view. More...
(BOOL) - removeOverlayViewID:
 Removes the overlay view from the map. More...
(void) - setStatisticsLog:
 Set the statistics logging. More...
(void) - setStatisticsLogCamera:
 Set the statistics camera logging. More...
(void) - setStatisticsLogLocation:
 Set the statistics location logging. More...
(void) - setStatisticsLogInterest:
 Set the statistics interest logging. More...
(void) - setStatisticsTrackedPlaceIDs:
 Set the statistics place tracked position logging for a list of place IDs. More...
(BOOL) - isStatisticsLog
 See setStatisticsLog: for more info on what this returns. More...
(BOOL) - isStatisticsLogCamera
 See setStatisticsLogCamera: for more info on what this returns. More...
(BOOL) - isStatisticsLogLocation
 See setStatisticsLogLocation: for more info on what this returns. More...
(BOOL) - isStatisticsLogInterest
 See setStatisticsLogInterest: for more info on what this returns. More...
(NSArray< NSString * > *_Nonnull) - getStatisticsTrackedPlaceIDs
 See setStatisticsTrackedPlaceIDs: for more info on what this returns. More...

Class Methods

(NSString *_Nonnull) + getVersion
 Retrieve the current version of VisioMove Essential (iOS). More...
(NSString *_Nonnull) + getMinDataSDKVersion
 Retrieves the minimum version string major.minor.patch of the data that this SDK can handle. More...
(NSString *_Nonnull) + getDataSDKVersion
 Retrieves the version string major.minor.patch of the data that this SDK can handle. More...


IBInspectable NSString *_Nonnull mapPath
 The directory path, relative to the main bundle, where the embedded map bundle will be loaded from. More...
IBInspectable int mapSecretCode
 The embedded map's secret code. More...
IBInspectable NSString *_Nonnull mapHash
 The target hash of the online map. More...
IBInspectable NSString *_Nonnull mapServerURL
 The map server url. More...
BOOL promptUserToDownloadMap
 Determines whether to prompt the user before downloading an online map. More...
IBOutlet id< VMEMapListener > _Nullable mapListener
 The delegate to receive map related notifications. More...
IBOutlet id< VMELifeCycleListener > _Nullable lifeCycleListener
 The delegate to receive life cycle related notifications. More...
IBOutlet id< VMEPlaceListener > _Nullable placeListener
 The delegate to receive place related notifications. More...
IBOutlet id< VMEBuildingListener > _Nullable buildingListener
 The delegate to receive building related notifications. More...
IBOutlet id< VMECameraListener > _Nullable cameraListener
 The delegate to receive camera related notifications. More...
IBOutlet id< VMELocationTrackingModeListener > _Nullable locationTrackingModeListener
 The delegate to receive location tracking mode related notifications. More...
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