VisioMove Essential (iOS)  1.27.8


Available enums within VisioMoveEssential.


enum  VMEAnchorMode {
  VMEAnchorModeTopLeft , VMEAnchorModeTopCenter , VMEAnchorModeTopRight , VMEAnchorModeCenterLeft ,
  VMEAnchorModeCenter , VMEAnchorModeCenterRight , VMEAnchorModeBottomLeft , VMEAnchorModeBottomCenter ,
 This enum defines the possible anchor modes. More...
enum  VMECameraMoveReason { VMECameraMoveReasonAnimation , VMECameraMoveReasonDeveloperAnimation , VMECameraMoveReasonGesture }
 This enum defines the possible reasons that might invoke the camera to move. More...
enum  VMEFloorTransitionType {
  VMEFloorTransitionTypeStairWay , VMEFloorTransitionTypeElevator , VMEFloorTransitionTypeEscalator , VMEFloorTransitionTypeUnknown ,
 This enum defines the possible floor transition type. More...
enum  VMELocationTrackingMode { VMELocationTrackingModeNone , VMELocationTrackingModeCustom , VMELocationTrackingModeFollow }
 The tracking mode controls the location tracking. More...
enum  VMEManeuverType {
  VMEManeuverTypeGoStraight , VMEManeuverTypeTurnGentleRight , VMEManeuverTypeTurnGentleLeft , VMEManeuverTypeTurnRight ,
  VMEManeuverTypeTurnLeft , VMEManeuverTypeTurnSharpRight , VMEManeuverTypeTurnSharpLeft , VMEManeuverTypeUTurnRight ,
  VMEManeuverTypeUTurnLeft , VMEManeuverTypeStart , VMEManeuverTypeEnd , VMEManeuverTypeGoUp ,
  VMEManeuverTypeGoDown , VMEManeuverTypeChangeModality , VMEManeuverTypeChangeLayer , VMEManeuverTypeWaypoint
 Maneuver type indications. More...
enum  VMEPlaceAltitudeMode { VMEPlaceAltitudeModeRelative , VMEPlaceAltitudeModeAbsolute }
 This enum defines the possible altitude modes. More...
enum  VMEPlaceAnchorMode {
  VMEPlaceAnchorModeTopLeft , VMEPlaceAnchorModeTopCenter , VMEPlaceAnchorModeTopRight , VMEPlaceAnchorModeCenterLeft ,
  VMEPlaceAnchorModeCenter , VMEPlaceAnchorModeCenterRight , VMEPlaceAnchorModeBottomLeft , VMEPlaceAnchorModeBottomCenter ,
 This enum defines the possible anchor modes. More...
enum  VMEPlaceDisplayMode { VMEPlaceDisplayModeInlay , VMEPlaceDisplayModeOverlay }
 This enum defines the possible display modes. More...
enum  VMERouteDestinationsOrder { VMERouteDestinationsOrderInOrder , VMERouteDestinationsOrderOptimal , VMERouteDestinationsOrderOptimalFinishOnLast , VMERouteDestinationsOrderClosest }
 The different ways to interpret multiple destinations, these options do not change the behavior if there is only one destination. More...
enum  VMERouteRequestType { VMERouteRequestTypeShortest , VMERouteRequestTypeFastest }
 The route request type determines the parameter to use when calculating the route. More...
enum  VMEViewMode { VMEViewModeGlobal , VMEViewModeFloor , VMEViewModeUnknown }
 The view mode controls certain elements of the scene and possibly the camera's viewpoint. More...
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