VisioMove Essential (iOS)  1.27.8
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 C<VMEAnimationCallback>Callback protocol to be notified of animation events
 C<VMEBuildingListener>Interface definition of methods that are invoked when building related event occurs within the map
 CVMECameraContextAn immutable class that aggregates all camera context such as target, altitude, bearing, pitch, and radius
 CVMECameraDistanceRangeVMECameraDistanceRange represents a distance element that may be associated with a VMECameraUpdate object
 CVMECameraHeadingVMECameraHeading represents a heading element that may be associated with a VMECameraUpdate object
 C<VMECameraListener>Interface definition of methods that are invoked when camera has moved
 CVMECameraPitchVMECameraPitch represents a pitch element that may be associated with a VMECameraUpdate object
 CVMECameraUpdateRepresents a camera update that can be applied to the VMEMapView
 CVMECameraUpdateBuilderUsed to build a VMECameraUpdate object
 CVMECategoryRepresents a category that can be associated with a place
 C<VMEComputeRouteCallback>Callback protocol for receiving compute route results
 CVMELatLngAn immutable class representing a pair of latitude and longitude coordinates, stored as degrees
 C<VMELifeCycleListener>Interface definition of methods that are invoked when life cycle events occur
 CVMELocationA VMELocation object incorporates the position within the map as well as values indicating the accuracy of the measurements and the bearing in which the location is moving
 C<VMELocationTrackingModeListener>Interface definition of methods that are invoked when location tracking mode related events occur
 CVMEMapDescriptorThe map descriptor object contains information related to it's associated map bundle
 C<VMEMapListener>Map listener to be notified of map related events occuring on the VMEMapView object
 CVMEPlaceRepresents a physical place within the map
 CVMEPlaceFilterAn object that defines the criteria for performing a place query
 C<VMEPlaceFilterCallback>A callback protocol to receive place filter query notifications
 C<VMEPlaceListener>Interface definition of methods that are invoked when place related events occur
 CVMEPlaceOrientationVMEPlaceOrientation represents an orientation element that may be associated with a place object
 CVMEPlaceSizeAn object that determines the size of the place within the map
 CVMEPlaceVisibilityRampAn object that controls the place's visibility as a function of the camera's altitude
 CVMEPositionA VMEPosition object represents a position incorporating the geographical coordinates, altitude and associated building and floor
 CVMERouteRequestRepresents a route request to computeRoute:callback: (VMEMapView)
 CVMERouteResultContains information related to a computed route
 CVMESceneContextA VMESceneContext object represents a physical location within the map
 CVMESceneUpdateRepresents a scene update that can be applied to the VMEMapView
 C<VMESearchViewCallback>Callback protocol for receiving search view results
 CVMESegmentA segment describes a part of a computed route
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